
Joplin search搜索


  • 搜索已完成的待办 iscompleted:1
  • 搜索未完成的待办 iscompleted:0
  • 在名为days的笔记本里搜索test notebook:days test



公式 描述 例子
- 如果把它放在文本前,则排除该文本。也可以把它放在公式之前也排除 -spam 搜索所有不含该单词的笔记.
office -trash 搜索所有包含office但不包含trash的笔记.
any: Return notes that satisfy any/all of the required conditions. any:0 is the default, which means all conditions must be satisfied. any:1 cat dog will return notes that have the word cat or dog.
any:0 cat dog will return notes with both the words cat and dog.
Restrict your search to just the title or the body field. title:"hello world" searches for notes whose title contains hello and world.
title:hello -body:world searches for notes whose title contains hello and body does not contain world.
tag: Restrict the search to the notes with the specified tags. tag:office searches for all notes having tag office.
tag:office tag:important searches for all notes having both office and important tags.
tag:office -tag:spam searches for notes having tag office which do not have tag spam.
any:1 tag:office tag:spam searches for notes having tag office or tag spam.
tag:be*ful does a search with wildcards.
tag:* returns all notes with tags.
-tag:* returns all notes without tags.
notebook: Restrict the search to the specified notebook(s). It cannot be negated. notebook:books limits the search scope within books and all its subnotebooks.
notebook:wheel*time does a wildcard search.
Searches for notes created/updated on dates specified using YYYYMMDD format. You can also search relative to the current day, week, month, or year. created:20201218 will return notes created on or after December 18, 2020.
-updated:20201218 will return notes updated before December 18, 2020.
created:20200118 -created:20201215 will return notes created between January 18, 2020, and before December 15, 2020.
created:202001 -created:202003 will return notes created on or after January and before March 2020.
updated:1997 -updated:2020 will return all notes updated between the years 1997 and 2019.
created:day-2 searches for all notes created in the past two days.
updated:year-0 searches all notes updated in the current year.
type: Restrict the search to either notes or todos. type:note to return all notes
type:todo to return all todos
iscompleted: Restrict the search to either completed or uncompleted todos. iscompleted:1 to return all completed todos
iscompleted:0 to return all uncompleted todos
Filter by location latitude:40 -latitude:50 to return notes with latitude >= 40 and < 50
resource: Filter by attachment MIME type resource:image/jpeg to return notes with a jpeg attachment.
-resource:application/pdf to return notes without a pdf attachment.
resource:image/* to return notes with any images.
sourceurl: Filter by source URL sourceurl:https://www.google.com
sourceurl:*joplinapp.org to perform a wildcard search.

Note: In the CLI client you have to escape the query using -- when using negated filters. Eg. :search -- "-tag:tag1".

The filters are implicitly connected by and/or connectives depending on the following rules:

  • By default, all filters are connected by “AND”.
  • To override this default behaviour, use the any filter, in which case the search terms will be connected by “OR” instead.
  • There’s an exception for the notebook filters which are connected by “OR”. The reason being that no note can be in multiple notebooks at once.

Search order

Notes are sorted by “relevance”. Currently it means the notes that contain the requested terms the most times are on top. For queries with multiple terms, it also matters how close to each other the terms are. This is a bit experimental so if you notice a search query that returns unexpected results, please report it in the forum, providing as many details as possible to replicate the issue.

Goto Anything

In the desktop application, press Ctrl+G or Cmd+G and type a note title or part of its content to jump to it. Or type # followed by a tag name, or @ followed by a notebook name.


